LLN (8/28/19) – Congestion is getting worse, and a recent report says that congestion is costing truckers more than their fair share. Also, while most truckers faced with a dirty truck just wash it, Arnulfo Gonzalez turns it into art. Plus, freight market capacity continues to grow faster than demand. And a huge draw on stockpiles sent oil prices higher, while diesel prices were down for the seventh straight week.
0:00-10:10 – Newscast.
10:10-24:59 – Dirt becomes art.
24:59 -39:14 – Freight capacity and demand; oil prices rise while diesel falls.
39:14-49:06 – Congestion is costing truckers more.
Segment 1
- OOIDA is urging truckers to comment on the FMCSA’s proposed changes to the hours-of-service regulations. The deadline to comment is Oct. 7.
- You can submit your comments here.
- Read more from Land Line Magazine:
- Read the proposal on the FMCSA website: FMCSA Hours of Service Proposed Rule.
- Randall Strachan of Palmyra, Mo., has been recognized by the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association for 39 years of safe, accident-free driving as part of the OOIDA Safe Driving Award Program.
- Learn more about the OOIDA Safe Driving Award Program.
Segment 2
While most truckers faced with a dirty truck just wash it and move on, OOIDA member Arnulfo Gonzalez makes his dirt into art – and has gotten quite a bit of attention for it. Terry Scruton has the story.
- You can see more of his work on Instagram.
- You can read more from Land Line Magazine here: Dirty Art Work.
Segment 3
We’re seeing more typical fluctuations in the freight market as capacity continues to grow faster than demand. Mary McKenna talks with Peggy Dorf of DAT, a company that provides market information for owner-operators, carriers, brokers and shippers.
- Read more: DAT Solutions: Are spot rates stable or stalled?
- Visit the DAT website.
- Or you can call them at 800-547-5417.
- Be sure to check out their blog.
- Chat with them on Twitter.
- And find out more on the OOIDA Members Edge website.
- You can call OOIDA MembersEdge at 866-487-8253.
A huge draw on stockpiles sent oil prices higher by $1 this morning. Plus, diesel prices were down Monday for the seventh straight week. MaryMcKenna offers a detailed update on the price of diesel fuel and crude oil, including a break down by region and analysis.
- Here is this week’s price report by Land Line Magazine: U.S. diesel fuel prices continue to slide.
- Find Daily Fuel Prices by ProMiles.
- To see how to compute your own fuel surcharge use OOIDA’s online Fuel Surcharge Calculator.
- To download OOIDA’s fuel surcharge app for Android Smartphones, click here.
Segment 4
Highway congestion is getting worse across the country, and a recent report says that congestion is costing truckers more than their fair share. Mark Reddig discusses the problem and what our leaders are doing – or not doing – about it with Collin Long and Bryce Mongeon of OOIDA’s Washington, D.C., office.
- Be sure to read Land Line Magazine’s Report: Truckers paying unfair share of congestion costs.
- It’s never too late to share your views with lawmakers. You can do that on the Fighting for Truckers website.
- To call members of Congress, dial 202-224-3121.
- Read OOIDA’s Guide to Contacting Lawmakers.