Advice to shed excess weight

November 22, 2018


LLN (11/21/18) – We’ll have some advice on how you can shed some excess weight. Also, van and reefers get a bit of a seasonal boost. Diesel and oil prices continue to drop. And what are supporters of significant new underride guards after?

0:00 – 10:11 – Newscast

10:11 – 24:41 – Shed that excess weight

24:41 – 39:22 – Van and reefer up; diesel price down

39:22 – 49:32 – Underride guards

Segment 1


  • The National Coalition on Truck Parking will hold its annual web conference from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Eastern time on Dec. 6. To participate, register by Dec. 4. Truckers can also dial in instead of logging in through a computer. To register, click here.

Segment 2

Excess weight isn’t just a problem for your truck. It’s a real problem for your health, and not one that’s easy to solve. Mark Reddig gets some advice on how to do just that from Bob Perry of Health in Transportation.

  • You can call Bob Perry at 602-692-2734.
  • Or email him at

Segment 3

Van and reefers get a bit of a seasonal boost in freight, while flatbed continues to lag. Terry Scruton talks with Peggy Dorf of DAT.

Also, diesel and oil prices continue to drop, but that could change by early next year. Terry has our weekly update.

Segment 4

In the past year, several moves have been made to require all kinds of new underride guards on large trucks. What are they after and how could it affect you? Mark Reddig finds out from OOIDA Manager of Government Affairs Mike Matousek.