OOIDA seeks nominations to join its Board of Directors

December 22, 2017

Land Line Staff


You have until the end of the year to nominate someone to join the OOIDA Board of Directors as an alternate board member.

Every two years OOIDA holds an election for board alternates. Alternates are elected to two-year terms by and from the membership. All current alternate board member terms expire in 2019, so it’s time to toss your hat in the ring now.

The election will take place in the fall of 2018. Those elected will be seated at the 2019 spring board meeting.

Alternate board members take part in all discussions that come before the board. They are eligible for any midterm vacancies that come open during their term.

Also, when the four-year terms of sitting board members expire, current alternate board members run as equals for the full seat. Half the board seats expire every two years.

The election process began Nov. 15. The Nomination-Election Committee mailed nomination forms to all current dues-paying members. The nomination forms also are available online. You’ll be able to find the form on the members onlylog-in feature on the OOIDA.com website. If you are a member and not registered on the website yet, send an email to OOIDA Communications at CommunicationsDept@OOIDA.com to sign up.

Members may nominate themselves or another member. In order to run, a nominee must have a minimum of five consecutive years of commercial truck driving experience and five consecutive years of active Association membership immediately before the nomination.

Nominations are due by Dec. 31. The Nomination-Election Committee will then verify minimum qualifications and send out questionnaires asking for more detailed information. Successful candidates will be placed on the election ballots. Ballots will be sent to membership Nov. 15, 2018, and are due back Dec. 31, 2018. Five seats will be open.

To help voting members get to know the nominees, Land Line Magazine will feature brief profiles in fall 2018. Portions of the interviews are scheduled to be aired on Land Line Now on Sirius XM satellite radio, Road Dog Channel 146.