Joplin 44 Petro offers walk-in COVID-19 vaccine clinic

May 24, 2021

Land Line Staff


The Joplin 44 Petro in Joplin, Mo., will be offering a walk-in COVID-19 vaccine clinic from 3 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 26.

It will be a good opportunity for truck drivers who are seeking the vaccine because it is a walk-in clinic that is not taking appointments and the Johnson & Johnson single-shot vaccine will be offered.

The clinic, which is being done in conjunction with Stone’s Corner Pharmacy, is open to anyone age 18 or older and will be conducted in the main building of the truck stop.

Those with questions about the vaccine or the clinic can call Stone’s Corner Pharmacy at 417-347-6337.

Joplin 44 Petro is part of the Iowa 80 Group. The Iowa 80 Truckstop offered a series of vaccine clinics earlier this month. Another Iowa 80 Group sister truck stop, the Oak Grove, Mo., Petro, has also offered a COVID-19 vaccine clinic. LL