Inspection blitzes for 2023 set by CVSA

January 13, 2023

Land Line Staff


Dates for three annual events emphasizing commercial motor vehicle inspections have been scheduled by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance.

International Roadcheck

The next International Roadcheck is scheduled for May 16-18.

International Roadcheck is an annual three-day event when CVSA-certified inspectors conduct compliance, enforcement and educational initiatives targeted at various elements of motor carrier, vehicle and driver safety.

During the 2022 International Roadcheck, 59,026 inspections were conducted, and 3,714 drivers were put out of service during the inspection blitz, 6.2% of the total. Nine out of 10 commercial vehicles inspected had no out-of-service violations.

Data from DAT MembersEdge suggests some professional drivers may take time off for vehicle maintenance or for other reasons during International Roadcheck.

Brake Safety Week

CVSA’s Operation Airbrake Program plans two annual brake safety campaigns in 2023: Brake Safety Week and an unannounced inspection blitz.

The next Brake Safety Week is scheduled for Aug. 20-26.

The unannounced one-day brake safety enforcement initiative may happen at any time.

During both the announced and unannounced brake safety enforcement campaigns, commercial motor vehicle inspectors conduct brake system inspections (primarily Level IV inspections) on large trucks and buses throughout North America to identify brake-system violations.

During the 2022 Brake Safety Week, 38,117 inspections were conducted. Of the total number of commercial vehicles inspected, 13.3% were placed out of service, CVSA reported

Operation Safe Driver Week

The next Operation Safe Driver Week is scheduled for July 9-15.

Operation Safe Driver Week is a safe-driving awareness and outreach initiative aimed at improving the driving behaviors of passenger vehicle drivers and commercial motor vehicle drivers through educational and traffic enforcement strategies and interactions with law enforcement. Another goal stated by CVSA is to improve commercial motor driver regulatory compliance.

About CVSA

CVSA is comprised of local, state, provincial, territorial and federal commercial motor vehicle safety officials and industry representatives in Canada, Mexico and the U.S.

CVSA was created in 1980 as an informal gathering of western state agencies and Canadian provinces responsible for conducting commercial motor vehicle enforcement functions. Mexico joined the alliance in 1991.

The first International Roadcheck was in 1988. Brake Safety Week was established in 1998 in Canada. LL