Buck Black

Buck Black is a licensed clinical social worker therapist who specializes in helping truckers and their families with anger and stress management, as well as depression and relationship problems. He is licensed to provide treatment to residents of Indiana.

This column is the opinion of the writer and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Land Line Magazine or its publisher. Please remember everyone’s health situation is different. If you have questions regarding medical issues, consult your personal physician.

What Buck Black Has Been Working On

medical examiner

Your Health – Holidays are here and you are ‘out there’

Every year truckers are unable to get home time during the holidays and become disappointed because they end up missing the holiday.

medical examiner

Your Health – Holidays are here and you are ‘out there’

Many truckers are not able to make it home for the holidays every year, whether it be unintentional or planned, the health of those truckers is important.

Your Health – August/Septemeber 2018