State Watch – May 2023
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Broken System?
The battle between truckers and brokers is an old one. But the issue built momentum in 2020 and appears headed to some sort of resolution.
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Autonomous trucks not the cure-all some suggest, OOIDA says
OOIDA reminded the FMCSA to consider that autonomous vehicles could drastically change the trucking industry and its workforce.
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Truck parking bills reintroduced in House and Senate
The Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act is back in Congress. Will this latest attempt be the final stop?
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EPA mandate hits small businesses the hardest, opponents say
The EPA’s stringent emission mandate for heavy-duty trucks took effect on March 27. However, opponents are still fighting to overturn the rule.
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Keith Goble has been covering trucking-related laws since 2000. His daily web reports, radio news and “OOIDA’s State Watch” in Land Line Magazine are the industry’s premier sources for information regarding state legislative affairs.